Privacy Notice
This privacy notice is published in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which formally comes into effect on the 25 May 2018. The notice provides general information on the way in which the personal information you provide is managed and processed by the Gunthorpe Parish Council.
Depending on which council services you use, you may be asked to review more detailed privacy notices specific to that service.
Information we collect about you
We may collect and process the following data about you:
- Information provided voluntarily by you. For example, when you register for information, apply for a particular service or make a comment or complaint
- Information that you provide when you communicate with us by any means such as email, letter, online form, social media or telephone call
- Information collected using cookies on your computer about how you browse our website
Use of your personal data
The information you have provided to the council will be used by us in adherence with our statutory obligations, including enforcement action if required.
We are legally able to process your personal data:
- when you have freely and explicitly provided your consent to this processing or
- when we have a statutory duty to collect and process this information to provide the required service or undertake a statutory function
- When your personal data forms part of a contract between you and the council
The consequence of you not providing personal information to us is that we will be unable to process your enquiry, assessment or application.
Sharing of personal data
The personal information you provide will not be shared for any other purpose unless required by law, to prevent or detect crime or to protect public funds.
Additionally we must make public certain details in the form of a public register where it has a statutory obligation to do so.
The categories of organisations we may share your personal information with are:
- Statutory and other public bodies
Protecting your personal data
Your unpublished personal data will be kept secure by the Council and will be kept within the European Economic Union (EEU). Where a third party cloud service is used to store your personal data we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to keep your personal data secure.
Keeping your personal data
We will keep your personal data in accordance with our retention schedule, unless you explicitly request it to be removed. This right to have your data removed is not an absolute right, for example, we will need to retain your data if this information forms part of a statutory or legal obligation, public registry or an existing contract.
What are cookies?
Our website puts small files (known as ‘cookies’) onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the council’s site.
Cookies are used to:
- measure how you use the website so it can be updated and improved based on your needs
- recognise the browser you use
- track new and returning users
You can disable cookies but this may have an impact on your experience when using the website.
- Find out more about how to manage cookies from your browser
- Advice on cookies from the Information Commissioner’s Office
Your responsibilities
Only provide personal information pertinent to its intended use or for the purpose of processing a claim, application or notification for statutory requirements.
Tell us as soon as possible if any of the personal information you have provided has changed, for example, your address or other contact details.
Your rights
There are a number of rights that you may exercise depending on the legal basis for processing your personal data. In most cases, these rights are not absolute and there may be compelling or overriding legal reasons why we cannot meet these rights in full. This will be explained to you in more detail should you contact us for any of the reasons detailed below:
- request a copy of the personal information the council holds about you
- to have any inaccuracies corrected
- to have your personal data erased
- to place a restriction on the council’s processing of your data
- to object to processing and
- to request your data to be ported (data portability)
Where the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, in most circumstances you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time and we will act on your instructions.
If you have any concerns about how we process your personal data or wish to discuss how to exercise your rights, you should contact the council’s data controller. You also have the right to make a complaint to us by contacting the Parish Clerk on 0115 9314084.
Alternatively, you may wish to complain directly to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). You can do this by writing to them at:
Information Commissioners’ Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Or you can report a concern to the ICO online