In early 2014 Gunthorpe Parish Council purchased some 11 acres of Trent riverside and scrub land, to the east and west of Gunthorpe Bridge.
A new Parish Council sub-committee, known as the Gunthorpe Riverside Trust, has been formed, and has primary responsibility for the protection and maintenance of land for the benefit of Gunthorpe.
The committee meets at 7.30pm every second Tuesday of the month at Gunthorpe Village Hall. There is plenty to do to ensure we get the most out of this land, and anyone with an interest in making our village a better place to be is welcome to come along.
For further information, contact us on or better still, come to our next meeting!
Gunthorpe Riverside Trust – Works done to date
We hope that villagers have noticed and appreciate the work we are doing on the riverside.
All work is done by volunteers of the Gunthorpe Riverside Trust, which is caring for the land purchased several months ago by the Parish Council.
Gunthorpe Riverside Trust is working alongside Notts County Council and other bodies such as neighbouring landowners and the Woodland Trust to ensure all stakeholders needs are met. There is still plenty to do!
Anyone who is willing to help us in our cause, please contact us at