Ancient times
Did you know that Gunthorpe has a suspected henge (like Stonehenge, but without the stones)? This is located in the land behind the garage on the A6097. For more info see
The Romans
English Queen Boudicca allegedly defeated the Roman IX Legion near here in the 1st century AD.
The Vikings
The Danes sailed up the Trent and settled at Gunthorpe.
A ferry at Gunthorpe (then called Gulnetorp) was documented in Domesday Book and was also mentioned throughout the Medieval period.
The Toll Bridge
To replace the ferry, The Gunthorpe Bridge Co. raised £7,500 in £10 shares, laid the foundation stone in 1873 and completed the largely iron structure in 1875. In 1925 tolls were:
Horse and carriage 1/-
Horse and wagon 6d
Horse alone 3d
People and passengers 1d
Motorcycles 3d
Cars 1/-
Lorries 2/6
The Current Bridge
The Gunthorpe Bridge Act of 1925 empowered the council to buy the owners out, demolish the bridge and replace it with the present one.